Seeing Around Corners — Micro Review

Vivek Gupta
3 min readAug 9, 2020


It’s hard to ignore a book which has Prof Clayton writing the foreword for.

“Seeing around corners” by Rita McGrath centers around the concept of inflection point and how businesses can anticipate, spot, prepare and thrive in face of an inflection point that disrupts their business model.

A “strategic inflection point” was defined by Andy Grove as “a time in the life of a business when it’s fundamentals are about to change.”

Well, that seems very relevant for the times !!!

The book delves into many aspects of anticipating and preparing for the inflection point. The author delves into the many ways to approach innovation and disruption.

She does so by weaving various concepts & techniques of disruptive innovation , delving into the characteristics of strategic inflection and stories of various industries (education, social media, technology, construction, pharmacy, ride hailing etc.) and companies(Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Caterpillar, Facebook, Uber etc.).

It’s a great read on its own but if you have read a few books on the subject, lot of the ideas and content may not seem very novel. However, its still a great read because she describes quite a few techniques and frameworks that resonated quite a bit with me.

The most beneficial aspects of the book — guidance around listening to signals to anticipate the inflection point, the innovation proficiency scale that she has developed, leadership qualities for “seeing around corners”, application to personal life.

I did take a few nuggets away that will stay with me:

“When spring comes, snow melts first at the periphery, because that is where it is most exposed.” — Andy Grove

Change happens slowly at first and at the perimeter; then all at once.

“An inflection point occurs when a change — what some people call a 10X change — upends the assumptions that a business is built on.”

“The great entrepreneurs and innovators, however, don’t just allow an inflection point to happen to them. They connect emerging possibilities, deepen customer insights, and explore new technologies to spark the changes that can get them — and keep them — on top.”

“An inflection point happens when a 10X change alters the basic assumptions upon which a business is built. Because these are taken for granted, it is often hard for executives working in the here and now to see the implications of change.”

“Consider whether the assumptions you are making about your business might need a fresh look. Review the warning signs of fading advantage.”

“Navigating through an inflection point often means working on two massive challenges at once — bringing the core business forward in its competitive capability and creating new capabilities that will be relevant to the future.”

“Leaders who successfully take an organization through inflection points increasingly facilitate the energy, connections, and talents of the organization, while at the same time providing clear direction.”



Vivek Gupta
Vivek Gupta

Written by Vivek Gupta

Avid Reader, Senior Tech Leader, Strategist, Architect, Engineer experienced in leading large scale Digital Transformation for global Fortune 500 corporations.

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